When the Kelli Michelle returned from a successful fishing trip, one of its beloved crew members didn't make it back. Joseph McCartan was shrimping with two others off the coast of Texas. On the way home, family members say McCartan wasn't feeling well, so he went into the bunker.
But when a crew member went to check on him, McCartan was gone."They went down and searched the boat one time and they went on the back deck. They went down again and searched the whole boat. That's when they decided to call the Coast Guard," said Bradley Steele, family friend.
The Coast Guard searched for 72 hours, but with no luck. Now, family members are preparing for the worst.McCartan has a wife and three kids who miss him dearly and desperately want answers."They just don't know. There's so many unanswered questions. The family is just so devastated and they just want to know what happened," said Steele.
Family members say McCartan has been shrimping all of his life. He was well aware of the dangers of the water. Now, crew members are baffled."The people on the boat were his family. They really loved Joe. They would do anything for him and Joe was the same type of person. He'd give you the shirt off his back. He was just a real good guy," said Steele.
Family members say the worst part of the ordeal is telling McCartan's kids. They just broke the news to his oldest daughter."They told her god got her daddy out of the water and he's in heaven now. Hopefully, that will help the family a little bit," said Steele.McCartan's family would like the Coast Guard to continue the search. If you know anything about his whereabouts, call the Coast Guard immediately.